Saturday, December 26, 2009

Four Minute Stretch

It's Boxing Day, I've had a large gin, and I have just achieved the longest stretch so far, beating my three and a half minute one: Four Minutes.

I hanged by the balls for a full four minutes. I could have stayed longer, but thought that was enough. Yes, I am presently tender as I write. Yes, I'll be chafed. That's why I shan't suspend till next Tuesday again.

Four minutes; that's not bad...

I've had an offer of a video production from Graham next year, when the British weather is conducive to such an activity! Why not? If you've got it, flaunt it as they say.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Scrotal Suspension

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hanged bythe Balls Upstairs Now

I've managed it. It's so cold in the garage that I have moved the rope indoors and upstaits, to the landing. I have tied the rope to a sturdy (I hope!) rafter.

Ther's not as much space; but I can still suspend freely. I managed 3 minutes today, with chafing.

Did I mention that I was thinking of buying a Canon A480 camera with video facility - more GB so longer video; enough for three minutes and more!

Has anyone any thoughts on this?

Your low-hanging pal,


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Message from Habakuk

It's great to hear from Habakuk again; so much so that I'm posting a message I received from him the other day. Here it is:-

Hey guys,

It has been some time you haven’t heard from me. Here is my update.

I have followed your exercises, and I am happy to note that we appear to be achieving about the same level of suspension. So forget the terms king, prince etc of suspension.

I am in full swing again, and I can now comfortably suspend for a prolonged time. I must take the time, I did not bother about that, but I should do so and report back. I have been more concerned getting my stretch back. I guess that once you can suspend 3 minutes you may just as well do 10 minutes. It is more a matter of will power, and my concern about getting to much blood pressure in the brain. I try to solve that problem by alternating between a straight upside down position and a horizontal position by stretching my legs out.

My focus has also been on maximum stretch. After a suspension session I often continue the stretch exercise with my 35 kg weight. I do that for some 15 minutes and swing it forward and back ward. It works well.

I am curios to hear from you guys what effect your suspensions have on your stretch, please let me know. Here are some of my statistics:

- I am 1.84 m (6’ 1/2”) tall

- My crotch is 0.84 (33”) above ground.

- At full stretch with force my balls are 0.55 m (21 5/8”) above ground about the same level as the top edge of my kneecap

- This is about 0.29 m (11 3/8”) below the crotch.

- When dangling freely, with ring, and good warm conditions, my balls dangle 0.63 m ( 2’ 13/16”)above the ground, or 0.21m (8 ¼”) below the crotch.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

No Camcorder

Bad news, I'm afraid: this blog is only capable of uploading the following - We accept AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, Real, and Windows Media, 100 MB maximum size. That's pretty useless.

I suppose, if I had a camcorder, I could upload to a website like TnAflix or Pornhub. I sent the Flip camcorder back.

So presently it is the Kodak c310 with a 40 second video capacity, barely long enough for me to set myself up!

If there are any folks near Belfast who could video me, I'd consider it.

Meantime I suspended by the balls for 3 minutes yesterday.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Horny Belfast Girls Sought

I am one horny devil. I'm not called the Mingemasher for nothing, you know. I devour tasty pussy, the creamier, the better. My appetite is insatiable, though. Don't worry, girls, I'm single.

I had a chat with someone from the leisure centre today and he told me about a lady in Dunmurry who might wish to contact me. If so, my email address is

Get in touch, girl, and let me lick it out well and good!

I'm hoping my camcorder arrives tomorrow or Monday. I've moved the suspension apparatus upstairs at the landing, so we'll see how that works...

Your pal,


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ruddy Freezing!

That confounded garage of ours is freezing, the outside temperature being 6c or 48 f.

Still, I got the noose round my balls and forcibly suspended from them for 2 minutes today.


I've just bought a Flip Mino HD camcorder for £120 - and I hope you lot appreciate it! Any contributions shall be gratefully received. :-)

It can take over an hour of video on a tripod and it's quite good on low-light conditions, too.

I got it on Amazon, so it should arrive soon.

Your fellow- stretcher,


Friday, November 13, 2009

Another 3 Minute Suspension

I effortlessly hanged by the balls for a full three minutes this afternoon.

I set up my new, cheap little camcorder - and it turned itself off after 18 seconds! Useless.

I am going to return this Mustek to the retailer for a £40 refund.

So I'm afraid I cannot take any videos beyond about 40 secs with the Kodak camera :-(

I'll continue to see if i can buy a cheap camcorder - even used; but I don't want to spend a lot of money.

If a pro photographer offered to do it, I'd be willing...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Longest Scrotal Suspension Ever

I broke my own record today: Three minutes of full scrotal suspension. I could have lasted longer, but decided that 3 minutes was enough. If you count the preparation time, gradual lowering etc, it is more than that time, perhaps three and a half.

I have some exciting developments planned too: I have bought an inexpensive digital camcorder, especially for showing me hanging by the balls. I'll have longer time - the routine of undressing, applying talc, the baize cloth etc.

I am also going to try bringing the rope indoors, which is warmer; and suspending from the landing upstairs.

Watch this space!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Home Safely, Folks!

Hi Folks,

The Mingemasher is back. The balls are well tanned, too. I couldn't wait to start hanging again, so I managed one minute this morning. No difficulty at all; so I should be back to the routine next week.

I want your thoughts, pals: I noticed a neat little digital camcorder called the Mustek DV310, a snip at £39.99.

Reckon it would do the business of amateur footage of my scrotal suspension and longer periods and other exotica?

Let me know...


Friday, October 9, 2009

In the Canaries for a Fortnight

You won't hear from me for two weeks because I'll be tanning the balls in Fuerteventura; slapping on a half bottle of sun oil on them, lest I can find a horny girl to do it all for me.

I have a swinger couple lined up while I'm there. Not interested in the guy; don't mind though if he sits in the sidelines.

I've hanged by my balls for two whole minutes this afternoon.

They'll be getting a rest till the 25th!

Cheers Tim

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hanging By The Balls Video

Here's my 2nd attempt at being a 30 second movie director; I'll need to point the camera further downwards to the ground but, believe me, I had my hands away. I'm wondering what the best position would be for the camera - front or off-side?

So here it is. The Scrotal Suspension Video, swinging by the balls video or hanging by the balls video. Whichever you prefer:-

At it Again

I hanged freely for over two minutes today. Folks, you'll get the truth from me. Straight. no nonsense.

When the 2 minutes are up, I ease on to the step-ladder and carefully loosen the rope. My balls are not relaxed, if you know what I mean. Afterwards, there is a tingling sensation which gradually disappears. It is gone now. I have sprinkled talc on my balls.

Could I safely suspend for three minutes? I am not completely upside-down: my legs are horizontal or facing downwards. If I raised my head horizontally after two minutes, would that help? I'm thinking of the blood-flow to the brain and all that rot. Surely three minutes would be OK? David Blaine does it for longer upside-down, doesn't he?

I'm going to re-issue my last hanging video for new visitors.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Any Girls Reading This?

The total number of my Profile views on this blog has shot up gradually to 2,200, so at least some folks out there in the blogosphere are curious.

2,200 is a fair number, considering my blog has only been going for a year, on and off. I must update my profile.

Please, are there any girls/ladies/females reading this and curious? I'd love to hear from you and I'll answer any questions if I can.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Brag or Keep Quiet?

It's hard to know whether to brag about the party piece - the ability to hang by the balls - or keep one's own counsel. Let's be honest: it is a kind of perversion, isn't it?

I can also insert six fingers inside my foreskin. That is another trick.

Surely I could insert my balls up my arse-hole?

I reckon I should be performing at a theatre in Amsterdam.

I'm meeting up with some swingers soon, in the Canary Islands; and, although I've told them about my very low hangers, I haven't - as yet - intimated that I can hang from them!

Many people simply would be incredulous till they saw this blog.

My balls were a bit tight today; nevertheless I headed into the garage and hanged for a full two minutes. It's getting easier, in a way. Less intense. I've raised the rope height, which means that I hang with my head off the ground and can relax more.

I mount the step-ladder at a side angle; then when I'm hanging it doesn't get in the way.

I might try for two and a half minutes on Saturday. Habakuk, what is your average suspension period?


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Corralejo Swingers

I'm meeting a pair of swingers in a few weeks' time, in the Canary Islands. They are both staying in the same resort, so hopefully the female half and I shall have some fun.

I told her that if she could get my balls in her mouth I'd buy her a drink!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

120 Sec. Stretch

Just a quick message to let everyone know that my balls are still attached and I'm preparing to show my equipment off to girls and females generally on El Cotillo beach and Corralejo!

I get a real turn-on when I see them ogling, especially the younger ones.

I stretched a full two minutes today; more if the adjustment process is counted - closer to 150 seconds.

Still after all this time, I still get a fair bit of chafing, even with talc. Perhaps the longer suspension times are a factor too.

There is no gain without pain. It's not painful though. Just a little discomfort and it wears off.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Publication of Habakuk's Illustrations

I have attempted to post all the details Habakuk has kindly sent me again. I hope they work.


Habakuk: Drawings

Lock Ring

Ball Lock Assembled

Ball Lock Exploded

Inner Ring

Hanger Detail


Habakuk: Illustrations

Rubber Fill Strip

Slide Outer Ring Over

Turn Inner Rings Round While Pressing together

Stretched To Fit Inner Rings

Outer Ring Fitted

Monday, September 14, 2009



Instruction to use the ring

Description of the ring.

The ring is different from other rings because it does not require bolts to keep it together. It consists of two halve stainless steel inner rings, which a tapered conical outer surface. A third bronze outer ring with a conical inner surface, exactly and accurately matching the outer surface of the inner rings, slides over the two inner ring halves and locks them together. The taper angle is such that when the rings a pressed together, they can only be prized apart with some force. My own ring can be unlocked a bit too easy. The ring shown in the attached drawings is less tapered and it may require some more force to get the separated.
A fourth blue plastic ring is optional and purely decorative. This also applies to the beads glued with Araldite n the grove of the outer ring. The whole assembly is meant to be more beautiful then the standard rings on the market, and designed to be there permanently.
The inner hole fits me loosely. It must not be too tight, to avoid circulation problems. To suspend, I slip a rubber strip (see pictures) between balls and inner ring to make the fit more tight for suspension. The fit must be a tight as possible for suspension. At times the balls may swell a bit because of excessive exercise. A bit of Vaseline or baby powder may help to make them slide over the skin more easily. I guess that the size of the hole is not a one fit all. Other users may have to experiment with temporary wooden block to establish their individual ideal size.

How to fit the ring.

Before fitting this ring one may have to pre-stretch the scrotum a bit using a temporary wooden block or other steel rings. To fit it I first slide the outer ring over the balls. (and the plastic ring if used) Make sure that the balls are washed and not greasy. Any Vaseline or powder on the inner surface of the ring may prevent a good lock with the inner rings. Next I tie an old necktie around the balls and stretch them away from the body, by tying them the necktie to my bedpost. This stretches the balls and reduces the diameter of the skin and inner tissue between the balls and the body, so that the inner rings fir around the easily without pinching the skin. I now put the ring halve with the centre pins sticking upwards below the stretched ball sack, and the other halve carefully on top of it making sure that no skin is caught between the centring pins. Now push the rings gently together why turning them around. This way any skin and hair caught in between is pulled free. Keep the firmly together and slide the plastic ring and the outer ring over the inner rings. Some hair may be caught between the rings, so do not push the rings firmly together yet. Allow some movement and pull the hair out with your free hand. Now push the rings firmly together. Once you suspend from this or hang a weight from the rings, you will find it difficult to separate the rings without force.

The suspension bracket.

The bracket shown in the drawing fits snugly around the inner rings which protrude below the outer ring, and support the outer ring. Because of its halve closed ring, there is no way that the ring can slide out, if one suspends from it.

With greetings from Habakuk, and I wish you all a good stretch and suspension.

Habakuk: Tools of the Trade

lockring.JPG, 1088 x 551 [~38K]

ballockassembledlr.jpg, 500 x 552 [~249K]

ballockexplodedlr.jpg, 450 x 631 [~267K]

innerring.JPG, 1088 x 551 [~61K]

hangerdetail.JPG, 815 x 498 [~69K]

hanger.JPG, 139 x 445 [~9K]

Habakuk: Illustrations

35_kg.jpg, 269 x 359 [~60K]

rubber_fill_strip.jpg, 334 x 250 [~71K]

slide_outer_ring_over.jpg, 533 x 400 [~146K]

turn_inner_rings_around_while_pressing_together.jpg, 533 x 400 [~113K]

stretched_to_fit_inner_rings.jpg, 667 x 500 [~226K]

outer_ring_fitted.jpg, 667 x 500 [~247K]

The Habakuk Ball Suspension Ring


Instruction to use the ring

Description of the ring.

The ring is different from other rings because it does not require bolts to keep it together. It consists of two halve stainless steel inner rings, which a tapered conical outer surface. A third bronze outer ring with a conical inner surface, exactly and accurately matching the outer surface of the inner rings, slides over the two inner ring halves and locks them together. The taper angle is such that when the rings a pressed together, they can only be prized apart with some force. My own ring can be unlocked a bit too easy. The ring shown in the attached drawings is less tapered and it may require some more force to get the separated.
A fourth blue plastic ring is optional and purely decorative. This also applies to the beads glued with Araldite n the grove of the outer ring. The whole assembly is meant to be more beautiful then the standard rings on the market, and designed to be there permanently.
The inner hole fits me loosely. It must not be too tight, to avoid circulation problems. To suspend, I slip a rubber strip (see pictures) between balls and inner ring to make the fit more tight for suspension. The fit must be a tight as possible for suspension. At times the balls may swell a bit because of excessive exercise. A bit of Vaseline or baby powder may help to make them slide over the skin more easily. I guess that the size of the hole is not a one fit all. Other users may have to experiment with temporary wooden block to establish their individual ideal size.

How to fit the ring.

Before fitting this ring one may have to pre-stretch the scrotum a bit using a temporary wooden block or other steel rings. To fit it I first slide the outer ring over the balls. (and the plastic ring if used) Make sure that the balls are washed and not greasy. Any Vaseline or powder on the inner surface of the ring may prevent a good lock with the inner rings. Next I tie an old necktie around the balls and stretch them away from the body, by tying them the necktie to my bedpost. This stretches the balls and reduces the diameter of the skin and inner tissue between the balls and the body, so that the inner rings fir around the easily without pinching the skin. I now put the ring halve with the centre pins sticking upwards below the stretched ball sack, and the other halve carefully on top of it making sure that no skin is caught between the centring pins. Now push the rings gently together why turning them around. This way any skin and hair caught in between is pulled free. Keep the firmly together and slide the plastic ring and the outer ring over the inner rings. Some hair may be caught between the rings, so do not push the rings firmly together yet. Allow some movement and pull the hair out with your free hand. Now push the rings firmly together. Once you suspend from this or hang a weight from the rings, you will find it difficult to separate the rings without force.

The suspension bracket.

The bracket shown in the drawing fits snugly around the inner rings which protrude below the outer ring, and support the outer ring. Because of its halve closed ring, there is no way that the ring can slide out, if one suspends from it.

With greetings from Habakuk, and I wish you all a good stretch and suspension.

Trouble Posting Links

I can only apologize, folks, for being unable to post the information which Habakuk sent me. I am unable to copy and paste it.

Perhaps, Habakuk, if you could post it directly on the comment column with a link?

With images, I can normally edit pictures; but I simply can't do it this way for some reason!

Habakuk has kindly sent me more information about the equipment he uses for ultimate scrotal suspension. I've been having trouble reducing the size (oops, double entendre!), but here are the links again. I hope they work.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Longest Stretch Ever

I managed more than two minutes this afternoon. The second rope at the side, to lower and raise manually, is a good help.

I can feel the longer stretch, because the part between my balls and arse-hole is slightly sore! My balls aren't, though.

I think I'll raise the rope even higher, because my head still can't drop down freely without my touching the floor.

I'm having trouble reducing the size of Habakuk's graphic instructions in a previous blog, by the way. I can only apologize; and I'll try again.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Raising the Rope

I did 90 seconds today. I'm finding that the rope length means that I am too close to the floor. When I ease down, I partially rest my head on the ground and raise it up off the ground a few inches to take the full strain.

This means that my head is almost horizontal to the floor and this position is very hard to sustain. The answer is simply to raise the rope several inches more, so that I can let my head drop and my body can take less strain.

I have also tied another rope to the rafter so that I can pull myself up with it, rather than straining up to grab the suspension rope.

I'll try for 2 minutes the next time, if it's a good day!

Your pal, TIM.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Habakuk Apparatus

I'm most grateful to Habakuk for sending me specific details of the equipment he uses personally for scrotal suspension.

Habakuk believes strongly that the methods he uses should be shared with others - those who dare! I, too, believe in the spirit of sharing knowledge with like-minded enthusiasts - why not?

So here it is. Please do let us all know how you are getting on re scrotal suspension - or swinging by the balls, as I like to call it. Do you intend to construct any of Habakuk's appliances? Let us know.

Whilst I certainly possess low hangers, especially given my compact size and weight of 8 stone 12lbs, I don't have the stretch of Habakuk. I think he's probably unbeatable in that sense. Now there's a challenge!

balllock.pdf [~894K]

ballockhangerlong.pdf [~8K]

ballockouterlockring.pdf [~3K]

ballockinnerringhalve.pdf [~8K]


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sorry about the Confusion!

I am the Mingemasher, Swinging by the Balls, and Tim to my pals on the web like Kbar and Habakuk! Sorry about any confusion - I often comment under the Anonymous label because I can't be bothered to sign out of my successful mainline blog and sign in to Swinging By The Balls!

Does that clarify matters? I'm as transparent as Jordan's bazookas!

I swung - if that is the correct grammar - for a minute this afternoon: my skin is a bit tender from the block trial on Thursday. I've slapped some cream thereon.

I don't think my balls are stretching a lot more, by the way. Perhaps if I increased the stretching time to more than 90 secs...


Friday, September 4, 2009

Mixed News

Hi Folks,

An especial welcome to Habakuk, who has sent me a message. Habakuk, I wanted to inquire about the wooden block and the iron suspension bar; but I've managed to get the block constructed, thanks to another reader.

The mixed news is that I have tried the block this afternoon and found it uncomfortable compared to the basic rope method I've been using for many months.

I guess I'm used to the rope and baize. Is it not a bit pernickety assembling the block around your balls; ensuring the cord stays away; trying not to nip your ball sack when tightening it etc?

With the rope, I'm up and away in seconds. I'd concede that there must be a more even stretch with the block method.

I guess I'll stick to my tried and tested technique, attempting two minutes and more on good days! I'm very light and nimble; perhaps that is a factor for me.

Habakuk - matter of interest - what country do you live in?

All the best,



The block is almost ready. I bought the nylon cord, thick bolts and wingnuts yesterday; and they're all fitted. I've bevelled the hole and sanded the edges of the block.

I'm wondering how to hook the cords up. I do have a few basic "S" hooks, so I could experiment with attaching the hook to my original rope; then suspending the cord from the other end of the hook.

Any thoughts on that? The steel girder is too high up. I wouldn't dare attach the cord directly to it in case I slipped and fell on to the concrete floor!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Block Work

I've made a start on the wooden block. I still need to drill holes lengthwise for the two bolts; bevel the hole at one side; get two bolts; and drill four more holes for the cord which I also need to find. Do I saw the block in half before I drill the holes? So I saw it in the middle of the hole across the shortest point in the middle, about 2.5"?

Wooden Block

I'd be keen to acquire a wooden block - similar to Habakuk's - for stretching. The one Habakuk used wasn't big at all, but it looked solid and thick.

Pity B&Q DIY stores didn't sell them in self-assembly packs! I'd need step-by-step directions about the type of wood, dimensions, where to cut it in half, where to drill the holes, what length of bolts and any other specifications.

Any thoughts, anyone? More to the point, any carpenters?


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Six Pack Exercise

Hanging by the balls is a great way of exercising your tummy muscles. It is, for me, at any rate. I managed 90 seconds today. There is always chafing afterwards, so I slap some moisturizer on.

I know I could do more than 90 seconds, were it not for the strain on my stomach muscles; and that is despite being fit with a four-pack at least.

As well as the stretch, one needs to stretch right up to grab the rope at the end, in order to pull my self up and get my feet on the ground.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Hangman's Tools

OK, so here's the complex technical bit. I know it's sophisticated and terribly expensive but, hey! It's worth it for low-hangers that cover your arse-hole.

Note the quality of the rope; the complicated knot; the snooker baize. Wow!

As if you didn't know, I'm being sarcastic. I wish I had the technical know-how to engineer the likes of what Habakuk has done; the way his set-up spreads the weight evenly. I'm no engineer or plumber.

I did the longest time hanging by the balls 10 minutes ago: almost 90 seconds.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hi there, folks. Well, it's Saturday afternoon and here's my latest full, hanging by the balls. Just a quick minute, as you do.

If there's anyone out there with lower hangers than me, I'll eat my hat! I must be among the lowest hangers in the world, certainly the lowest in Europe.

I need a professional mag to do a proper job, so please get in touch!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Minute Today

The twice-weekly routine continues. I did a full hanging by the balls for over a minute this afternoon.

It's hard to believe I can do this trick. Sometimes I'd like to be a spectator or voyeur and watch myself swinging by my own balls.

Are there no girls following this? Or is it too repulsive for you ladies? You can see the fruits of my endeavours on El Cotillo beach and many females can't take their eyes off my genitals there!

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm Back!

I couldn't resist doing it again; I must be a low-hanger junkie or something. I was hanging totally by the balls this afternoon for about 50 seconds. It has been awhile since I last did it, but I managed it with some gnashing of teeth and effort!

Hopefully I'll post some more videos soon; and some of my balls really loose too.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4 Inch Ball Stretcher

Here's one I took last night. It's a 4 inch ball stretcher. I don't find them very comfortable. I also have a neoprene one, but it isn't rigid enough to contain my balls of steel! They slip out.

It took me a while to manage all four snap buttons, but I did it last night; and now I have sore fingers!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Suspension Of Hanging

Sorry I've not been posting lately, folks: I've decided to give it a break for awhile. I'm getting a bit paranoid about a long-term injury. The crown jewels are fine, all working well, erections hard as iron; orgasms all right; still coming as usual.

As Habakuk has said, the law of diminishing returns applies. My balls won't stretch much more; perhaps think they're the perfect length now anyway, hanging below my cock when relaxed.

I'm still happy to answer queries and offer assistance through my email.

That said, never say never. You never know. Watch this space because I may post some photos.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Still At It

I don't hang every day now; I try to do it twice a week. I did one minute today. The skin, though now quite toughened, is nevertheless delicate.

I've just ordered a 30mm neoprene ball-stretcher from Fettered Pleasures on the web. Is there a technique to applying it? We shall see.

I've got a few messages from someone called Jane C. Jane, would you send me an email via the Contact Me section and I'll see what I can do!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

90 Second Stretch

I performed a full 90-second scrotal suspension today; could have done two minutes, but I left it at that.

I'll be posting more videos soon from side angles.

I'm eager to hear from anyone at all, particularly girls! Why not get in touch?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lowest Hangers In Belfast?

I think I'll restrict my stretching to twice weekly. I did one minute today. I aim to hang for at least two minutes, twice weekly.

I don't find scrotal suspension hard to perform now. No pain. My scrotum must be strong. It's hard to say how much further they'll actually stretch.

Are there any girls fascinated or curious about my hanging by the balls? Get in touch please.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Ultimate Ball Stretch

I still cannot get the camera in the best position. Here's my latest attempt:-


My fantasy would be for a gang of nymphomaniac young females to seduce me from a beach, into the woods, and hang me by the balls.

They'd take it in turns to suck my genitals until orgasm.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Al Fresco

I'm going to take my tackle - rope and baize - out into the country this summer (if we get a summer in Northern Ireland!) and into the middle of some forest or woods. I'll attach the rope to a sturdy branch, position the tripod and camera, and perform.

For my diminutive, pint-size physique, could I have the lowest hanging balls in Northern Ireland? Who knows...

The last time I was in Amsterdam, at the Showboat, a lady grabbed my balls and tried to put them in her mouth (which she couldn't manage). She had to suck one at a time.

Lowest hanging balls. They cannot believe it. I'm too coy to boast openly about it. The Ultimate Stretch.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

First Video

It's a start. I'm no Chubby Broccoli. This is the 30 secs from my camera. I'll try to do the preliminaries first, the next time!

Friday, May 22, 2009

80 Seconds

I was going to give it a rest today - or my balls at least - however, the obsession got the better of me. I brought my camera and used the wristband to hold it.

When I began to take the strain, leaning backwards, the camera slid off and hit the ground causing a bit of plastic to come unstuck. It's practically impossible to take photographs when you're concentrating on the Stretch. I need someone to take the photos.

I did 80 seconds today. My balls, when loose, are hanging below my cock now. I must take a snap of that some time.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Photo Impossible

I tried taking a photo again today, by setting up the tripod and aiming it at a mirror. It's practically impossible to do, whilst positioning myself to swing.

I really do require a photographer, amateur or otherwise, who shan't be offended by a man hanging by his balls!

Still, I did another minute or so today. I've noticed them getting more leathery in places, just as Habakuk said.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Getting Easier

I'm swinging freely by my balls daily now, for a whole minute. It's getting less hard; still intense, mind you.

I tried taking a photo today, but it's hit and miss trying to do it myself.

I'm going to try using the tripod again tomorrow, pointing at the mirror.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Steady Progress

I've been hanging by my balls, literally, for about 30 seconds a day since Wednesday. I can hang with one hand on my balls and the rope above for about a minute; or with my legs pushing against the wall.

The stretching is hard on my ball sac; it sometimes causes the skin to become chafed by the friction of the rope, so it roughens a bit. However, you must persevere and it gradually becomes tougher and can take 9 stone!

By the way, my balls still contract and shrivel when they are cold. It is only when they are warm and loose that they hang really low.

Just being honest...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bigger Pants

One thing I've had to do, since my balls have become longer, has been to wear longer boxer pants. My cock and balls just hang below the other pants, which defeats the whole purpose of wearing underwear!

I did a stretch today for about a minute, 30 secs without any hands at all.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Almost Castrated!

I was at my ball-stretching session today for about a minute when disaster occurred: the rope slipped and one ball came out of the rope. Fortunately the other ball slipped through and I got away with it landing unceremoniously on the ground. There was a slight ache, as if I'd been kicked in the balls. Tolerable.

I've been doing it for a year now ans this has never happened; I was trying to take a photo and my balls were a bit taut when I attached the rope - not loose. I blame that, and the baize wasn't tight enough too.

Hopefully it'll be business as usual tomorrow.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I've finally managed it. It isn't easy when you only have a crude rope and plenty of baize. The weight is unevenly distributed.

I have finally devised a way of doing it, though: I hold my scrotum, or the stretched skin below it, with both hands and this seems to take the strain better. I do not hold or touch the rope; in other words, my balls are taking all my body weight.

This is the second time I've done it this way. I can hang by my balls, literally, like this for over a minute.

I'll try and take a photo with flash and using a mirror; I'd really need a professional shoot, though. If V is sober, I'll try her again.

It's a great feeling, the intensity of it and knowing that a man's balls cannot be stretched any further - it's the ultimate.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

For The Ladies

I'll tell you one thing about very low hangers: it brings a smile to the ladies' faces on the beach!

When I holidayed at Jandia, Fuerteventura, recently I was on a naturist beach standing at the sea and two girls passed me, both wearing sunglasses. One of them was looking in my direction with a big grin.

Many females just can't take their eyes off big male genitals.

I love it.


You never know who is genuine on the webosphere and who isn't!

I'd like to get in touch with the genuine, South African Habakuk, ball-stretcher extraordinaire.

Back Again

Truly sorry. I suppose you thought I'd hanged myself!

I'm still at it; it's just that I can't take photos, easily. I brought V over a few months ago and that was a massive mistake, because she was sozzled. She even dropped my camera. I'll try her again soon.

If anyone else in Belfast could do it, or would pay my fare to go to a studio in London, I'd consider that.

I've been doing scrotal suspension daily now for about a year, except when I'm away from home. I usually do it with a rope suspended from the attic ladder. I can hold my balls with two hands whilst suspended from the rope; that works OK.

I'd still prefer something like the mechanism Habakuk uses, but I'm no plumber or engineer!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hanging By The Balls Video #2

Here's my 2nd attempt at being a 30 second movie director; I'll need to point the camera further downwards to the ground but, believe me, I had my hands away. I'm wondering what the best position would be for the camera - front or off-side?

So here it is. The Scrotal Suspension Video, swinging by the balls video or hanging by the balls video. Whichever you prefer:-