Friday, June 18, 2010

Scrotal Suspension

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Ladder has Arrived

I collected my new 2-tread step ladder yesterday. Disappointing thing is that it's heavier than the 3-tread aluminium one!

I might just return it and continue to use the old one.

I'll pick a fine day, head to the forest in the guise of a bird-watcher with cap, tripod, birdscope, and step ladder, pretending to look for a rare bird someone told me about!

I'll choose a quiet day during the week.

Watch this space!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Step Ladder

I have bought a two tread step ladder in preparation for my planned suspension from a tree in the woods.

The video shan't be very long - a few minutes. I'll also need to be very careful that I'm in a spot where it's unlikely anyone would encounter me hanging by my balls!

I have a forest in mind...

Friday, June 4, 2010

5 Minute Hang

That's another full 5 minute suspension about an hour ago. Good Lord, you'd think they'd be slapping my knee-caps; but no. Yes, they are very low hangers, exceptionally low. I'd love more girls to play and suck them rather than stare at them, or the bulge!

I followed the normal routine today: Slap plenty of talc thereon; surround them with soft baize, double-layered; perch on stool; attach hangman's noose; tighten; and ease my weight down till I'm hanging by my balls.

As I said before and I'll reiterate: I wish to get into the woods very soon and take a 2-minute video for this blog and other adult sites.

Your chum


Wednesday, June 2, 2010