Saturday, December 26, 2009

Four Minute Stretch

It's Boxing Day, I've had a large gin, and I have just achieved the longest stretch so far, beating my three and a half minute one: Four Minutes.

I hanged by the balls for a full four minutes. I could have stayed longer, but thought that was enough. Yes, I am presently tender as I write. Yes, I'll be chafed. That's why I shan't suspend till next Tuesday again.

Four minutes; that's not bad...

I've had an offer of a video production from Graham next year, when the British weather is conducive to such an activity! Why not? If you've got it, flaunt it as they say.


  1. Hee! congratulations!
    An offer for a video production, that is something.
    I am happy to report that I am in full swing again. I am now suspending every day for a few minutes, plus some stretching with my 35 kg ball weight. I can comfortably change positions from horizontal to straight up and down. By grabbing a rope at my back I can pull myself in a negative position with my face and chest facing down. The balls are stretching a bit further then before with the balls just 1 cm below the top of the knees.

  2. Hi Habakuk,

    I was thinking about you recently. I'm paying the penalty for four minutes: something akin to burn - or scorch-marks under my balls! Obviously the rope biting in.

    I may need to wait another day or two in order to let it heal before resumption.

    As we know, there's no gain without pain... :-)

    Cheers Tim

  3. Hi Tim,
    Sorry for that, but indeed man has to suffer, and you are doing fine!
    You will get some callus on your balls.
    I tried to down load you movie but I failed. My internet connection is to slow. Would you mind to email it as an attachment to my habakukrsa account?

  4. Greetings Habakuk and Tim, I do not get skin chafing using the block because the skin is not crushed by the rope. I do get a few days of soreness of the cords next to the balls. This goes completely away if I wait. I hav used a counterweight of 8 pounds to hold my feet down. This allows me to be horizontal or in a sitting position while fully suspended. The reverse hang is also interesting with the balls tucked between the legs and the rope hooked from behind. I have not achieved full suspension this way yet since I hold the pulley rope over my shoulder. Kbar

  5. Hi Habakuk,

    I'm afraid I have a similar problem! I have tried emailing the movie and it's impossible due to not enough memory or something.

    Next time I'll try to keep it to 2 or 3 minutes! :-)

  6. Great news!
    Today I managed an 8 minutes suspension, straight upside down, interupted by a one minute rest horizontally! But that is not all. I did it in a new position, for which I have been exercising for some time. I cannot attach a picture to this stupid blog, but may be Tim does not mind to add it. I email it separately. It is not a photograph, because my camera does not allow me enough time. I think that this position is ideal for a 30 minute (yoga) meditation session. The target is to switch off the brain till I only hear and think zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  7. This is the position I was trying to describe. The reverse suspension. I have not gotten complete release as yet. Kbar
