Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sorry about the Confusion!

I am the Mingemasher, Swinging by the Balls, and Tim to my pals on the web like Kbar and Habakuk! Sorry about any confusion - I often comment under the Anonymous label because I can't be bothered to sign out of my successful mainline blog and sign in to Swinging By The Balls!

Does that clarify matters? I'm as transparent as Jordan's bazookas!

I swung - if that is the correct grammar - for a minute this afternoon: my skin is a bit tender from the block trial on Thursday. I've slapped some cream thereon.

I don't think my balls are stretching a lot more, by the way. Perhaps if I increased the stretching time to more than 90 secs...



  1. What is your email address? tried to send you pictures but I failed.


    Cheers Tim

  3. Dont worry about the confusion. I am clear now. I just sent you some of my pictures on swingingbythe Curious to hear whether you receive them or not.
    About further stretching. I can see that you have still a lot of potential stretch to go. You can increase the suspension time or frequency, but my experience is that long session, just walking around with a 10 to 20 kg weight hanging from your balls, is more effective.

  4. I'll try to gradually lengthen the time to 2 minutes and so forth.

    I'm thinking of giving the block another go: I've used very fine sand-paper on it; and I'll apply talc as you advised.

    What sort of times are you stretching yourself these days?

    Surely the block ought to be more comfortable than rope and baize? You'd think so.

    My next stretch is due on Tuesday.

    Got your emails, by the way Habakuk. Many thanks.


  5. When polishing the block dont forget a good rounded edge at the top similar to the rounding of the metal ring.

  6. Tim, I found that rounding the top of the block hole is essential. I did this with a small knife blade then a rounded file then sandpaper. I have not looked at Habakuk's design yet to see if other modifications will be useful. I still sign on as "anonymous" since for some reason my password is not accepted. It appears that we are on 3 diff continents. Kbar
