There are very few entries on the web about hanging by your balls. Call it what you like: hanging by the balls, swinging by the balls, scrotal suspension, scrotum suspension, ball hanging.
This blog is for people, males or females, who are curious, interested, fascinated, amazed or even stimulated by my ability to swing from my balls. You may wonder how long they get or what size they are; how far they stretch; if it is painful.
In the coming weeks I'm going to explain all. I intend to post photographs. I've been stretching my balls for years now. It is only within the last three months that I've been attepting to hang by them. I've almost achieved the goal. In fact I can do it, albeit for 5 seconds.
If you're interested, send me feedback please. I'm delighted to hear from girls.
I'm the Mingemasher. I'll tell you more about myself in the coming weeks.